
Fall 2019

The Square is so useful that you can be anywhere, but it is too strong that you cannot do anything about it.

Humanities & Creativity Midterm Project - The Square

Installation of p5.js canvas with 7 channel interactive display.


After watching the movie The Square, our group decided that the most powerful square of the generation is the display of personal devices. We are replicated - by our choice through social media, or automatically by cloud computing and algorithms. That is, we become an object in the vast web world that exists everywhere, but cannot do anything about one’s appearance and reproduction.

We wanted to express such feeling of being powerless by replicating one’s image in SYK studio, which is equipped with seven surrounding screens. When the user approaches the empty laptop, their face, is replicated thousands of times throughout the surrounding screens/. There is a slight delay between the camera input and the screen, so even when someone decides to look away, their face still remains in the screen.

As a team leader, I was in charge of coding and creating large-scale canvas, and hardware installation. Sebin Yoon was in charge of canvas design. Soomin Han was in charge of coding. Chaehyun Kim was in charge of sound design.
